The Declaration Of Animal Rights
The Declaration of Animal Rights was drafted in May 2011 by animal rights activists Aylam Orian and Zelda Penzel, in order to replace older, existing Universal Declarations on ‘Animal Welfare’ that were not abolitionist or vegan in their approach, but allowed for the killing of animals, and promoted their ‘welfare’ only, instead of their total liberation from human enslavement and dominance. The Declaration was copied by hand onto a large scroll of paper, and then publicly proclaimed and signed by attendees of the first National Animal Rights Day event in New York City, on June 3rd of the same year.
Since then, and under the auspices of the non-profit which was formed following the event – Our Planet. Theirs Too., The Declaration has been translated to 22 languages, and it has been publicly proclaimed and signed at every National Animal Rights Day event around the world (as of 2021, in 22 countries and counting!), in addition to collecting signatures online, here. All signatures (and notes) are added to the original Declaration scroll, which as of 2021 is more than 1,500 feet (450 meters) long!
Just as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – a non-legally binding document of principles adopted by the UN in 1948 – laid the groundwork for human rights laws that were enacted by countries around the world based upon it, so is our aim with The Declaration of Animal Rights: to be the ultimate document, or ‘bible’, that provides the ethical framework, the guidelines, and specific unnegotiable points, for laws that will be enacted by countries around the world to protect the basic rights of all animals to life, liberty and the pursuit of their happiness, on their own terms. For that purpose, once the original Declaration scroll has 100,000 signatures on it, it will be presented to the UN, the White House, the EU Parliament and other world leaders, in order to get them to adopt it.
We invite you to be a part of history and support this effort, by adding your name and/or note to the Declaration, below. Thank you!
Read And Sign
The Declaration
of Animal Rights
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Dakshina is an ancient tradition of those who practice yoga, and it is a display of generosity – a private contribution to the financial support of the teacher and their teachings.
When we experience a pure inner impulse caused by a higher purpose to help others, to express our unconditional gratefulness, it is called Dakshina. We are being guided by our feelings, and, in this case, the amount we give is irrelevant as long as we gain our own true Self.
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